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  • Published Date

    December 22, 2019
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PROMOTION Over 60 JIM HALLAM LAND ROVERS Years Trading Lat. 1900 88 STF 60BL 700 JOE Celebrating 60 years of Jim Hallam Land Rovers Jim Hallam Land Rover Defender Specialists Jim Hallam and his son Joe have been selling. servicing and enhancing Land Rovers for customers throughout the country and abroad since 1960. To view our current stock of over 50 Land Rover Defenders please visit our website. www.jimhallam.com tavourite of the Queen, used by the arwynd famen, the aish made Dedender's timeless desiga i kovedy mtions. Whit production fthe la Delender ceased in 200 almot 70 years afer the teu modet came odthe pduction ie, im Hallam tand Rovers ae ging rngand elebrating o yearsas cne of the market leating Delender Specialins inthe UK. imallam p the r dwnto souing and upplying the sery best Delendenlable llallan the Delender'slegaey tives on, Ojmhallamlandroven Jim Hallom Jim Hallam LAND ROVERS J Hatam Lard Roves, Rushton, Macclete, Creshre, SK11 oSE 1EMOTO Glenroy Garage, Rushton, Macclestield, Cheshire SK11 OSE 01200 22300 sales@jimhallam.com www.jimhalameom 01260 226309 sales@jimhallam.com PROMOTION Over 60 JIM HALLAM LAND ROVERS Years Trading Lat. 1900 88 STF 60BL 700 JOE Celebrating 60 years of Jim Hallam Land Rovers Jim Hallam Land Rover Defender Specialists Jim Hallam and his son Joe have been selling. servicing and enhancing Land Rovers for customers throughout the country and abroad since 1960. To view our current stock of over 50 Land Rover Defenders please visit our website. www.jimhallam.com tavourite of the Queen, used by the arwynd famen, the aish made Dedender's timeless desiga i kovedy mtions. Whit production fthe la Delender ceased in 200 almot 70 years afer the teu modet came odthe pduction ie, im Hallam tand Rovers ae ging rngand elebrating o yearsas cne of the market leating Delender Specialins inthe UK. imallam p the r dwnto souing and upplying the sery best Delendenlable llallan the Delender'slegaey tives on, Ojmhallamlandroven Jim Hallom Jim Hallam LAND ROVERS J Hatam Lard Roves, Rushton, Macclete, Creshre, SK11 oSE 1EMOTO Glenroy Garage, Rushton, Macclestield, Cheshire SK11 OSE 01200 22300 sales@jimhallam.com www.jimhalameom 01260 226309 sales@jimhallam.com